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What is climate change and what does Cemig have to do with it?

Understand what climate change is and its consequences for the planet. Cemig counts on important actions regarding these transformations!

Foto: iStock

You have certainly heard about climate change. They are mostly associated with increased greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels (from cars, industries, thermoelectric plants), fires, deforestation and waste decomposition, among others.

They can also have natural causes such as changes in solar radiation and Earth’s orbital motions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), responsible for producing scientific information, states that there is 90% certainty that the increase in temperature on Earth is being caused by human action.

Here in Brazil, changes in the use of land and deforestation are responsible for most of our emissions and make the country one of the world leaders in greenhouse gas emissions.

The global relevance of the discussions on climate change brings, for Cemig, special attention in the consolidation of its predominantly renewable energy matrix, in the identification of business risks and opportunities, besides focusing on the search for solutions for adaptation and mitigation of possible effects that may impact the company’s business.

In order to formalize our commitment to climate change, we have prepared a document in which the company’s lines of action are defined.