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Energy production

Hydroelectric power plants are the basis of power generation in Brazil, but there are many other ways to produce electricity.

Foto: Cemig/Divulgação

Air, sun, water, firewood, coal and oil are some sources of energy. The energy we produce the most is hydraulic, generated by the force of the river water, which is transformed into electrical energy through hydroelectric power plants. The power plant is built on the river, formed by a lake, dam, powerhouse, elevating substation and transmission lines.

The lake, called a reservoir, is formed by damming the water. In it is built the spillway of the plant, an opening through which excess water comes out of the reservoir in times of rain.

This way, in order to produce energy, the water leaves the reservoir and is conducted with a lot of pressure by huge pipes to the powerhouse, where the turbines and generators are located. The turbine has blades connected to the generator. The water pressure moves the blades, creating a magnetic field, which generates electricity.

Then, for the energy to reach the cities, it is necessary to increase the voltage, a work performed by the substations´ elevator transformers. This way, electric energy is transported through the transmission lines. However, to reach the homes, the voltage is lowered in lowering substations and reaches its destinations through distribution networks, formed by poles, cables and transformers.