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Energy Saving Tips

Learn here how small actions can reduce energy consumption at home, avoiding grid overloading and minimizing the value of the electricity bill at the end of the month!

Foto: iStock

Light bulbs

  • Use LED light bulbs as they consume less than conventional fluorescent bulbs and last much longer;
  • When buying, always choose “Procel” Energy Saving seal LED bulbs;
  •  Avoid leaving lamps on during the day and in unoccupied environments and only turn on lighting where there is not enough natural light.


  • Whenever you can, keep the shower in the summer position (the economy reaches 30%);
  • Turn off the tap when soaping;
  • Replace the conventional three-position shower (off/summer/winter) with an electronic shower (with variable temperature control). It allows better control of water temperature and lower energy consumption. Give preference to “Inmetro” (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality) labeled models.


  • Choose models that have the Procel Seal of Energy Saving. Also take into account the information on “Inmetro” label which indicates the average monthly consumption of the refrigerator or freezer;
  • Replace the rubber and/or adjust the door hinges on the refrigerator and/or freezer when necessary. The door sealing rubber should always be in good condition, avoiding cold air leakage;
  • Avoid the rear railing from touching the wall.

Climatizers / Air Conditioners

  • Avoid the rear railing against the wall;
  • Keep doors and windows closed when the appliance is switched on, preventing outside air from entering the air-conditioned area;
  • In summer do not excessively cool the environment. Maximum cold is not always the best solution for comfort. Adjust the temperature of the appliance.