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20 tips to avoid accidents with electricity at home

Accidents with electricity at home can be extremely dangerous, both for people and for equipment connected to the grid; learn more about how to avoid them!

Foto: iStock

At home, we use several appliances connected to the grid. It is very important to observe some precautions, to use electrical energy in a conscious and healthy way. Check out some of our tips below:

  1. Do not use household appliances with wet hands or feet or in places with water and humidity. Wet skin facilitates the passage of electric current and intensifies shock;
  2. When installing a shower, connect the ground wire (green and yellow) to the ground. Also remember to turn off the tap before changing the “summer/winter” and “on/off” switches on the shower and do not do it with your body wet;
  3. Before changing a light bulb, turn off the switch and never touch the metal part of the nozzle or thread. Hold the glass and do not apply too much strength as it may break and injure your hand;
  4. Before any repairs to the internal electrical installations, turn off the main switch (circuit breaker) and look for a qualified professional;
  5. Before connecting new devices to the sockets, check that the voltage (127 or 220 volts) is compatible with the equipment;
  6. Don’t forget the electric iron on. You’ll be wasting energy and it may cause a fire;
  7. Switch off and unplug any electrical appliance when cleaning or when not using it. And when removing the plug from the outlet, do not pull the cord;
  8. Keep your facilities, plugs, wires and electrical appliances in perfect condition;
  9. Do not touch the appliance wires to hot surfaces;
  10. Avoid using “T” extensions or improvised extensions. Multiple devices connected to the same outlet may cause overload;
  11. Do not use lamp nozzles as outlets;
  12. Any repairs should be made with the main switch off, even in the event of a power failure as power may return at any time;
  13. Install plastic protectors in the sockets. They should only be removed when the socket is used;
  14. Do not run electrical wires under carpets. A lot of fires start like this;
  15. Electrical appliances in the bathroom are a big risk. Only use radios, dryers and battery-operated shavers. Also make sure that the shower is well installed;
  16. Turn off the toaster before removing the bread with a fork or knife;
  17. Never block the circuit breaker keys or replace the fuses with wire, coin, cigarette paper, among other objects;
  18. Construction iron bars, curtain rails, stairs and other metal objects also pose a danger and must be moved away from electrical wires;
  19. The use of electric tools requires special attention. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and never improvise extensions or splice wires;
  20. If you are planning to build a swimming pool, remember that in the cleaning process, the equipment used must not touch the wiring or the spotlights.

Watch out! Small attitudes can change our lives.