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Carrying out studies and reports in order to obtain the necessary licensing for the construction of new developments.
Environmental policy with basic principles focused on the practice of more sustainable actions, such as environmental protection and biodiversity conservation.
Reforestation program of vegetation located on the banks of springs, rivers, lakes, dams and streams.
Annual publication of the greenhouse gas emission inventory document, with the purpose of promoting reduction targets.
Understand how Cemig uses water resources in its plants, which use only water as their raw material.
June 5th is Environment Day. Understand Cemig's commitment to social and environmental issues.
Mapping of protected environmental areas in the state of Minas Gerais and identification of interference in Cemig's electrical structures.
Waste management following procedures for handling, separation, labeling, storage, transport and disposal of industrial waste.
Program aimed at preserving the fish population in Minas Gerais by funding research projects.
Itutinga Environmental Station, Itutinga, Minas Gerais.