APP Cemig Atende

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Program of Energy Management

The Company implements several actions aiming to reduce energy consumption and migration to renewable sources. These initiatives represent an important step towards mitigating the environmental impacts of the company and promoting a sustainable future.

The main actions of energy management result from checks (audits) of the largest consumptions.

Cemig has set a target of reducing by 40% the non-renewable energy consumption by 2027, having the year of 2021 as model. In addition, the company presents its commitment to energy efficiency by carrying out quarterly measurements of electricity consumption by employees, reaching an average of 1.67 MWh per employee in 2023, representing a reduction compared to 2022 and demonstrating its continuous search for practices more sustainable.

To achieve such target, the company carries out several actions to reduce the amount of energy consumed.

Reduction in Energy Consumption:

• Guidelines on efficient use of energy: The Company recognizes that changing individual behavior is essential to reducing consumption. By providing guidance to employees on how to use energy more efficiently.

• Use of lighting with LED lamps: Replacing traditional lamps with LEDs represents an effective measure to reduce energy consumption and lighting costs.

•  Training on energy efficiency at UniverCemig for employees: Through specific training, the Company invests in the qualification its employees so that they become agents of change within the organization. By disseminating knowledge about energy efficiency practices, the company ensures that its employees are engaged in the sustainability journey.

• Modernization of building facilities: Retrofit of facilities through the principles of bioclimatic architecture, with introduction of the following initiatives: use of natural lighting, use of light colors and LED lighting, replacement of fiber cement roof with thermoacoustic, aiming at lower energy consumption, reduction of thermal absorption and greater thermal comfort.

• Replacement of air conditioning units with more efficient models

• Vehicle Fleet Management: As a measure to reduce energy consumption within the Company, Cemig requires, by guideline, that the average manufacturing date of vehicles in its fleet be less than five years, the legal depreciation period set by the granting authority. Therefore, the Company renews its vehicle fleet annually, which allows it to reduce fuel consumption. With this regard, Cemig constantly invests in the electrification of the fleet.

Replacement of Non-Renewable Energy with Renewable Energy:

• Mandatory use of ethanol to replace gasoline in the vehicle fleet: The adoption of ethanol as the main fuel for the vehicle fleet of the Company represents a major step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ethanol is a renewable and clean source of energy, coming from sugar cane, an abundant resource in Brazil.

• Certified renewable electrical energy consumption: The use of electrical energy from renewable sources, such as solar or wind energy, demonstrates the commitment of the Company to sustainability and the generation of clean energy. Certification guarantees that the origin of energy is traceable and complies with highest environmental quality standards.

We also work with innovation and R&D to reduce energy consumption. In this line, it is worth emphasizing the Development of Battery Energy Storage Solutions (Bess Móvel) installed in a mobile structure, allowing its use in several activities related to the maintenance and operation of the electrical system. The development of a mobile battery energy storage system will allow the company to use renewable energy in a more efficient and flexible way, optimizing the use of resources and further reducing the environmental impact of its operations.

Website with more information on the Project ‘Bess Móvel’: