Cemig invests R$ 6.2 billion in improvements to the electrical system in Minas Gerais
This amount corresponds to projects up to 2022; still this year, 80 new substations will be installed to enable the economic development in the State.
We are going to invest, R$ 6.2 billion until 2022, in improvements of distribution lines, substations and medium and low voltage grids. This amount will contribute to the economic and social development in the State, since it will be distributed throughout all regions of Minas Gerais.
For 2020, nearly R$ 1.5 billion will be invested in the installation of new substations, and R$ 1.4 million in the protection, isolation and automation of distribution grids. This will result in more quality supply, with less oscillation and improved safety in the grids.
By the end of the year, approximately 80 new power substations will be installed. The substations are the main sources to meet the new demands of all customer classes: residential, industrial, commercial and rural.
The amount of R$ 1.4 million is foreseen for investment in protected and isolated grids and also for large-scale automation of distribution grids in Minas Gerais.
There will be about 8,000 automatic devices installed. In case of defects in the electrical distribution grid, such as short-circuit overload, these equipment – known as automatic reclosers – perform several cycles of opening and closing up to normality of the electrical system”, explains the Superintendent of Distribution Asset Management, “Humberto Donisete de Faria”.
Together with the Government of Minas Gerais, we allocate these investments to different regions in the State and their economic and social development. Once again, with the commitment to contribute to life quality of people in Minas Gerais.