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Ethics is an indispensable value for Cemig and for all the professionals who are part of our team. This is because we know that, in order to perform a job with excellence, it is necessary to follow guidelines and regulations that govern our day-to-day life. In our business, we are guided by several practices and policies that make up Cemig’s Code of Conduct, aligning activities and relationships with the concepts of ethics and morals.

It is fundamental for Cemig to deal transparently with all our processes and to broaden our understanding of our principles and values, inside and outside our company. Trust, respect and quality are fundamental pillars in building our history, acting in the energy sector with profitability and social responsibility.

 Click here and learn more about Cemig’s Code of Conduct

Ethical principles

To ensure that our work proceeds seriously, the Anti-Fraud Policy was created, which guarantees the performance of our internal activities, based on the highest expectations regarding the ethical behavior of administrators, employees and suppliers.

We do not accept the practice and concealment of fraud and corruption in all its forms and we reiterate our commitment to develop and maintain control systems, norms, procedures, standards and activities aimed at preventing, detecting, reporting and effectively combating irregular practices.

Click here and learn more about Cemig’s Compliance and anti bribery policy.

Cemig Ethics Committee

To coordinate our actions, under the guidance of Cemig’s Code of Conduct, a committee was created, consisting of members appointed by the Executive Board.

The following minimum responsibilities are reserved to CEMIG’s Ethics Commission:

a) to ensure the due investigation of the denunciations received;

b) to forward the denunciations to the Audit Committee and the Fiscal Council, for their knowledge, on a monthly basis;

c) to request internal or external documents aiming at the verification of the facts and, if necessary, request the intervention of the competent bodies;

d) to forward the evidence gathered during the process of investigation of the denunciations to the responsible bodies;

e) to ensure the anonymity in relation to all the denunciations that come to its knowledge and that are object of its processing;

f) to recommend the application of the applicable penalties;

g) to comply with the internal standards that discipline its competence and procedures that must be followed;

h) to verify the retaliations against the right to anonymity that come to its knowledge;

i) to provide a response to denunciations or ethical inquiries, either anonymous or identified;

j) to promote the dissemination and application of the ethical principles to the Management and workforce;

k) to promote annual training on this Code of Conduct for Management and employees;

l) to update this Code of Conduct whenever necessary.

 Click here and learn more about Cemig’s Management Code of Conduct

Cemig Reporting Channel

Since 2006, in compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Cemig has made available to its entire workforce a Reporting Channel to receive inquiries and complaints (anonymous or identified) from the internal public on ethical issues related to the Company.


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