The Energy Efficiency Program carries out actions aimed at changing habits, modernizing equipment and alternative energy systems.

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The Program’s initiatives, regulated by the National Electrical Energy Agency (ANEEL), seek to make consumers aware of the correct use of electrical energy and the importance of practices that reduce and eliminate the waste of this resource.
As an incentive to change habits, educational actions are carried out and inefficient equipment is replaced by more up-to-date ones, in addition to the implementation of alternative energy systems.
The Program’s actions are aimed at society in general, mainly low-income consumers, philanthropic and public health entities, educational and elderly care institutions, city halls and private initiative, by means of performance contracts.
Since 1998, Cemig has invested more than R$ 725 million in energy efficiency actions. For the five-year period 2020-2024, a total of R$ 457 million is expected to be invested in projects.