The Consumer Council was established on October 21, 1994 and defends the interests of the population.

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Do you know what the main function of the Consumer Council is? The Consumer Council has the purpose of representing collective interests of the population and promoting their defense, by forwarding suggestions and answers to several questions.
It is also the Council’s role to cooperate with the supervision and to file allegations and complaints to our company, based on the general conditions of energy supply.
Our Consumer Council was established on October 21, 1994, in compliance with art. 13 of Law Nm. 8631, of March 4, 1993, and with DNAEE Ordinance Nm. 519, dated June 1, 1993.
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Who are our council members?
Our council is formed by six full members and six alternate members, appointed by representative consumer class entities. We have a chairman, a vice-chairman and an executive secretary in addition to the class representative members.
The term of each member lasts one year, with re-election allowed for a maximum of two terms.
Get acquainted with our Cemig Consumer Council members:
Office | Name |
President | Solange Medeiros de Abreu |
Vice president | Aline de Freitas Veloso |
Executive Secretary | Wantuil Dionisio Teixeira |
Class representatives
Council members | Name | Alternate |
Residential Class Representatives (Movimento das Donas de Casa do Estado de Minas Gerais) | Solange Medeiros de Abreu | Lúcia Maria dos Santos Pacífico Homem |
Industrial Class Representatives (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais – FIEMG) | José Luiz Nobre Ribeiro | José Ciro Mota |
Commercial Class Representatives (Federação do Comércio do Estado de Minas Gerais – FECOMÉRCIO/MG) | José Geraldo de Oliveira Motta | Helton Andrade |
Rural Class Representatives (Federação da Agricultura do Estado de Minas Gerais – FAEMG) | Aline de Freitas Veloso | Ennia Rafael de Oliveira Guedes Bueno |
Public Power Representatives (Frente Mineira de Prefeitos – FMP e Associação dos Municípios da RMBH - Granbel) | Erick Nilson Souto | Tadahiro Tsubouchi |
Executive office of Cemig's Consumer Council (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig) | Wantuil Dionisio Teixeira | Juliana Cardoso Amaral |
Special guests
Council members | Name | Alternate |
Consumer Protection Agency Representatives (Promotoria de Justiça do Consumidor – PROCON/MG) | Ricardo Augusto Amorim Cesar | Christiane Vieira Soares Pedersoli |