APP Cemig Atende

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Founded in 1952, the Cemig Group currently owns hundreds of companies and holdings in 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District.

Vertedouro da Usina Hidrelétrica Três Marias


Supplying electric energy in an efficient and sustainable way to several Brazilian municipalities is a task we have performed with excellence since 1952. With more than 70 years of history, we are active in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and also in the distribution of natural gas and efficient use of energy, through our subsidiary “Efficientia”.

Today, we are composed of 87 companies, with shares in 44 consortiums.  in addition to having assets and businesses in 24 Brazilian states and the Federal District.

Therefore, we are recognized for our size and technical competence and considered the largest integrated company in the electric power sector in Brazil. In the state of Minas Gerais alone, we have over 09 million consumers, divided among 774 municipalities.  

In addition, we supply energy to free customers in the country, with 18% of the market, and we are one of the largest generator groups..


Considering our dimension and responsibility, we pursue goals, plans, processes and guidelines that make Cemig one of the most solid and important groups in the electric power segment in Brazil. Having a clear mission, vision and values that govern our work is essential for us to carry out activities with excellence and discernment.


Provide integrated clean and affordable energy solutions to society in an innovative, sustainable and competitive way.


To be among the three best integrated power groups in Brazil in governance, financial health, asset performance and customer satisfaction.


  • Respect for life

Act prudently, preventing accidents in any situation.

  • Integrity

Act with ethics, transparency and honesty.

  • Value generation

Create solutions for the well-being and prosperity of customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and society.

  • Sustainability and social responsibility

Supply safe, clean and reliable energy, contributing in a sustainable way to economic and social development.  

  • Commitment

Act with responsibility, enthusiasm, dedication and proactivity.

  • Innovation

Be creative and seek new solutions to the company’s challenges.


It is in the relationship with customers, shareholders, opinion makers (such as specialized media, environmentalists, NGOs and city halls, among others), investors and employees that we recognize the strength of our brand.  

The value of Cemig Brand was calculated by a method based on Economic Use by “Brand Finance”, one of the world’s leading companies specializing in brand valuation. According to the methodology, the future value of the profit flow generated by the brand was sought in accordance with the pact made with clients and other stakeholders, and the calculation was based on the discounted value of future profits generated by the brand, separating the profit attributed to tangible and intangible assets.

Establishing the brand’s contribution to business has been carried out based on an extensive survey among the public, assessing the performance of Cemig´s brand in the following aspects of value:  

  • credibility;
  • confidence and soundness of the company;
  • innovation and technology;
  • ethics and transparency;
  • quality;
  • management practices;
  • image;
  • tariff/contract conditions;
  • technical support/service;
  • social and environmental responsibility;
  • association with the State.



Cemig has stakes in 83 generation projects in operation in 10 Brazilian states, 44 of which it owns, with 100% equity participation. There are 60 hydroelectric plants, 07 wind farms, and 1 photovoltaic plant.



Cemig, through its electricity transmission subsidiaries and affiliates, operates a transmission grid of almost 5,000 km. It is one of the largest power transmission group in the country.

This transmission system is responsible for transporting the large blocks of energy from the major generating centers to the consumer centers, making it possible, through the transmission substations scattered throughout the several regions of the concession area, to service sub transmission and distribution systems.

Cemig transmits energy generated in its plants and energy purchased from Itaipu, from the Interconnected System and from other sources.


Cemig Distribution S/A (or Cemig D) is one of the largest electricity distributor in Brazil in terms of grid extension, serving approximately 96% of the State of Minas Gerais. In addition, it has the highest level of service to low-income consumers in the country, delivering electricity to 42.9% of all residential consumers.


Cemig is the largest energy trader in Brazil. Cemig’s satisfactory positioning towards the market is provided by its capacity to attract and keep customers, through practices that help the consumer in the efficient management of energy, also providing guidance on renewable energies.

Customers also rely on the direct relationship with agents, who are available to serve efficiently. It also has events organized to gather and clarify doubts about the electricity sector, such as the Energy Biennial.

Natural Gas

Although Cemig’s main business is electricity generation, transmission and distribution, it is also engaged in the natural gas distribution business.

“Gasmig” is the exclusive distributor of piped natural gas throughout the territory of the State of Minas Gerais, by grant or concession, serving industrial, residential, commercial, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), automotive (GNV) and thermoelectric segments.