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What are smart power grids?

In intelligent grids, the flow of electrical energy and information takes place in a bidirectional way. The consumer can also be the producer.

Foto: iStock

Smart power grids (or smart grid), are a new electrical power distribution architecture. Safer and smarter, they integrate and enable actions for all users connected to them.

In this concept, the flow of electrical energy and information takes place in a bidirectional way. In other words: that energy traditionally generated, transmitted and distributed in a radial way from the installations of the concessionaires can also be generated and integrated into the electric networks from consumer units. Thus, a new figure is created: that of the prosumer, the one who is producer and consumer at the same time, producing and supplying energy to the grid.

But how does it work? Some sensors installed in the electrical networks send data regarding energy consumption directly from the consuming unit to Cemig. These sensors will feed our commercial and technical systems, enabling us to develop a more effective and efficient network planning. In addition, – the grid – is prepared to reduce the occurrences and duration of power outages as much as possible.

Consumers will receive smart meters that interact with Cemig in real time, allowing them to follow closely, or over the Internet, how energy is used at home. In addition, they will be able to supply their electric cars with energy, an innovation that will soon become a reality in Brazil. These possibilities of more economical and conscious consumption of electric energy also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the Brazilian electric system.

The implementation of intelligent networks is expected to generate value to all sectors involved as a result of the changes to be implemented, especially to consumers.