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Small Hydroelectric Plant

SHPs, or small hydroelectric plants, are plants that cause reduced environmental and social impacts, allowing for even more sustainable energy.

Foto: Cemig/divulgação

The so-called SHPs (Small Hydroelectric Plants) are gaining more space within the Cemig Group. Our main purpose is to explore and use these assets in a more efficient way, with powerful and real investment in renewable energy.  

What is the advantage of this movement? Up to now, we have been able to identify 23 plants, with an average age of 60 years, some of which are centenarian, totaling 106 MW of installed power. With the expansion of the SHPs, this number will grow to 300 MW with investments of approximately R$ 1 billion. In addition, the reliability of the system will also gain strength and the maintenance and operation costs of the plants will be reduced.

This whole process of improvement is guided by our commitment to sustainability and the environment. In these aspects, it is our goal to maintain the current levels of power plants’ reservoirs, ensuring lower environmental impacts without having to reallocate communities.

Another advantage is that the expansion of the SHPs will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, since it will increase the production of renewable energy, with the implementation of new plants.

The SHPs Revitalization Program preserves the plants’ reliability and profitability for a period of 15 years, corresponding to the technological cycle of the equipment, electronic and computer-controlled systems.