APP Cemig Atende

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What is renewable energy?

Also called alternative energy or clean energy, renewable energy is the energy obtained through sources that do not generate great environmental impacts.

Foto: Cemig/Divulgação

Renewable energy, also called alternative energy or clean energy, is that energy obtained through sources that do not generate great negative environmental impacts. Among them are solar energy, obtained through sunlight, and wind energy, which comes from the air and the winds.

In our business, we give priority to the resources provided by renewable energy sources to compose our energy matrix. Since 2014, we have been part of the control block of “Renova”, a leading company in the wind energy market in Brazil, which also has portfolios of investments in solar and renewable energy.

Approximately 99% of Cemig’s energy generation comes from renewable sources such as hydro and wind, which gives us low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To calculate GHG emissions, we use the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program emission methodology.

Reinforcing our commitment to the mitigation of gas emissions that contribute to global climate change, we have defined a corporate target to reduce the intensity of direct emissions, which guides our actions and directions within the company.