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12 safety tips with electricity in the streets

Learn more about important recommendations that can be decisive for the prevention of accidents with the electrical grid in the streets or rural areas. Check them all out!

Foto: iStock

To use electrical energy consciously and safely, it is important to pay attention to some safety tips and practices:

  1. Do not fly kites near the electrical grid. Contact with the power wires can be fatal, in addition to the danger of falling due to the impact caused by electric shock;
  2. Do not use “Cerol”. This cutting mixture, made with glue, glass and the remains of cables, can transform a simple kite line into a conductive material and cause electric shock when it comes into contact with the electrical grid;
  3. Never touch a broken wire;
  4. Do not rescue anyone who is caught in a broken wire. In such cases, notify Cemig immediately. We have professionals on our staff trained to deal with this situation;
  5. In the event of a collision with a power pole, do not get out of the vehicle and do not try to rescue anyone. If there is a fire, jump out of the car with both feet together, as far away as possible. Do not touch the vehicle under any circumstances;
  6. When building electric fences, install insulators (disconnectors) and ground the wires. If any electrical wire falls on them, the grounding will drain the energy to the ground wire;
  7. Never prune trees that are close to the electrical grid. Only authorized staff are allowed to do this;
  8. Radio and television antennas should be installed carefully so that they do not touch or fall over the electrical grid wires;
  9. Never climb poles. Only authorized Cemig staff may perform services on the electrical grid. They are prepared for this with appropriate techniques and equipment that prevent accidents;
  10. Make fires only with the authorization of IEF (0800 283 2323), “Ibama” (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) or competent agencies and in a controlled way, with the construction of firebreaks and barriers that prevent the spread of flames;
  11. Do not make fires within 15 meters of roads, railways and the limit of the safety lanes of transmission and distribution electricity lines;
  12. Do not make illegal connections in the power grid. This can increase the risk of accidents such as electric shock, short circuit and fires.

Se cada um fizer a sua parte, teremos cada vez mais segurança e energia elétrica de qualidade e eficiente.